Angiographically Silent Left Main and Left Anterior Artery Disease Detected by Echocardiography

Author Details

Angela Zagatina, Nadezhda Zhuravskaya, Dmitry Shmatov, Aleksei Vasilev, Maxim Kamenskikh, Sergey Vlasenko, Martin Caprnda, David Ullrich, Ioana Mozos, Peter Kruzliak Fausto Rigo

Journal Details


Published: 22 January 2021 | Article Type :


Background: Knowing that stenosis of coronary arteries can be underestimated by coronary angiography.

Purpose: We hypothesized that a local high velocity – ≥70 cm/s as measured by Doppler echocardiography – in left main and/or in the proximal portion of left anterior descending (LAD) in patients who had ischemic stress echo test and no/mild stenoses of these arteries by angiography could indicate angiographically silent significant narrowing of the arteries.

Methods: Among a cohort of 1001 patients referred for stress echocardiography, we selected as our group persons who had coronary flow velocities at rest ≥70 cm/s in left main/proximal LAD, positive stress echocardiography test with wall abnormalities in LAD territories, and stenoses 0-40% in the corresponding portions of left main/proximal LAD by coronary angiography. The group underwent intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or fractional flow reserve (FFR) for assessment of the interrogated segment of the coronary artery.

Results: We identified 18 patients (15 men, 59±12 years old) who met the inclusion criteria. Eleven patients underwent IVUS, while seven were assigned for FFR. Lesions of left main/proximal LAD segments proved significant in 17 patients (94%, 95% CI 79-99%).

Conclusion: A flow velocity in left main/proximal LAD of more than 70 cm/s could be an indication for performing IVUS/FFR in patients with discrepancies between coronary angiography and stress tests.

Keywords: left main, coronary flow ultrasound, coronary angiography, transthoracic coronary echo.

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Angela Zagatina, Nadezhda Zhuravskaya, Dmitry Shmatov, Aleksei Vasilev, Maxim Kamenskikh, Sergey Vlasenko, Martin Caprnda, David Ullrich, Ioana Mozos, Peter Kruzliak Fausto Rigo. (2021-01-22). "Angiographically Silent Left Main and Left Anterior Artery Disease Detected by Echocardiography." *Volume 4*, 1, 14-21